Copper Gumbo Foundation

Copper Gumbo Foundation

4701 Don Zarembo Dr., Los Angeles, CA, 90008, US

This is an organization that has applied for and obtained tax-exempt status from the IRS under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Unique Identification831392427

The Copper Gumbo Foundation strives to mentor and teach industrial design jewelry making, metal working, textile construction, arts and crafts to underserved youth and adults. Instruction is provided through the lens of a culturally responsive approach to the arts.

The program is designed to balance the lack of opportunity that may have eluded students from achieving their highest potential with emphasis on their well-being and mental health.

To benefit the community by uplifting the youth, keeping them gainfully engaged, providing a fun, prideful and exciting diversion pathway to entrepreneurship.