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"Be the Light" fundraiser by ICON

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$26,422.60 raised of $10,000.00 goal

The goal has been reached! You can still donate to show your support.

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At the time of festive seasons we get to contemplate on our good fortune while celebrating with our friends and family and an opportunity to reflect on those who are not as fortunate in our community. This Festival of Lights we urge you all to please open your hearts and you wallets to make the upcoming new year a year of hope and fulfillment for the recipients of your Goodwill. ICON and our community over the years have had success in truly giving back to the community. This year the two charities we have chosen, focus on health and education through literacy. ICON is honored to organize 'Be the Light' fundraiser. Your donation will be split between the organizations listed and your generosity will have a positive impact on people in need, as well as the larger community. Our goal is quite modest, let's show our true spirit and blow past our goals.
"Be the Light" fundraiser by ICON

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