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Filipino American History Month Fund


October is Filipino American History Month, which commemorates the arrival of the first Filipinos to the United States on October 18, 1587 and honors the history and legacy of the Filipino American community. Filipino American History month aims to acknowledge and celebrate the countless contributions Filipino Americans have made towards the enrichment of American society while empowering Filipino communities both domestic and abroad. Additionally, Filipino American History Month encourages increased appreciation and acknowledgement of Filipino culture in all aspects. The following organizations are supporting Filipino American communities across the United States through cultural advancement and recognition initiatives, providing direct resources to Filipino Americans in need, and building a rich and thriving future for Filipino American generations to come.

Your Donation Supports

Filipino Advocates for Justice

FAJ’s mission is to build a strong and empowered Filipino community by organizing constituents, developing leaders, providing services, and advocating for policies that promote social and economic justice and equity.

Filipino Young Leaders Program (FYLPRO)

FYLPRO is a non-profit organization of high-performing, next-generation leaders that have a passion for advancing the Philippines and the Filipino people.

Search to Involve Pilipino Americans

SIPA enriches and empowers generations of Pilipino Americans and others by providing health and human services, community economic development, cultural enrichment, and a place where all people of all backgrounds can come together to strengthen community.

Filipino American National Historical Society Museum

The mission of the FANHS Museum is to enrich American society by educating, enlightening, inspiring, and promoting the appreciation of Filipino American history, art and cultural experiences and contributions through collection, preservation and exhibition.

Filipino American Symphony Orchestra

The Filipino American Symphony Orchestra's vision is to serve as the global paragon of Filipino culture in symphony music - with a mission to uphold artistic excellence, integrity, and professionalism while being an avenue of cultural growth for next generations to develop love and pride in one’s identity through music.FASO is community orchestra that serves to provide access and reduce barriers to cultural participation for communities of color through symphony music production and education.

Filipino American History Month Fund

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Arts, Culture & Heritage
Your donation supports the pool of 5 nonprofits

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