Funds in Health

Swim Across America - Charlotte Fund
1 nonprofit
Swim Across America - Charlotte Fund
In our lifetime, 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women will be diagnosed with cancer. I joined the Swim Across America community so that, together, we can change that. Last year I swam 2 miles and was able to share the accomplishment with my mother present at the event! I will be swimming swimming 2 miles (3520 yards / 3219 meters) again this year to show my support, raise awareness, and fund raise for cancer research. WE NEED TO FIND A CURE!!! I am dedicating this swim to my mother, Ursula Pugh, 6 year survivor of breast cancer and a good friends and colleagues whom we lost to cancer at the beginning of 2023: Joe Ruggiero and Bill Taylor. For my friends Gigi Madrid and Mary Ann Gottachalk Overturf whom are champions and fighters battling this disease today, and to all my family and friends that I have lost over the recent years; Ned Sexton, Tony Simpson (Throat), Malcolm Murphy (Bladder), Carol Grenier (Brain), Mr. Robinson (Pancreatic), Guy Merinac (Pancreatic), Herman Fons (Stomach), and many other countless losses. If you have any name(s) you would like for me to add to my support board, please send me them to me and I will be sure to add them! I will also send you a photo of the board at the event. If you are able, please support me by making a gift. The researchers we are funding are in our community and are the next generation of cancer pioneers. Without Swim Across America early stage funding, they are not able to conduct trials that can lead to breakthroughs that can save lives. Thank you for helping make an impact in the fight to find a cure!
Impact Guru - Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) CARE FUND
1 nonprofit
Impact Guru - Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) CARE FUND
This project aims to provide financial aid to patients in India, affected by Spinal Muscular Atrophy Spinal Muscular Atrophy (“SMA”) is a neuro-muscular, progressive, genetic disease that robs people of physical strength by affecting the motor nerve cells in the spinal cord, taking away the ability to walk, eat, or breathe. It is the number one genetic cause of death for infants. SMA is caused by a mutation in the survival motor neuron gene 1 (SMN1). The SMA-affected children and adults are cognitively bright and are budding professionals in various streams, but are physically dependent on their family members, friends, or guardians for any of their daily basic mobility needs. There are 4 types of SMA, SMA Type 1 to Type 4, and many finer variations among these categories. Impact Guru identifies these patients who need financial support for their Hospital and related medical expenses, and supports them through crowdfunding and raising grants. These treatments are using USFDA-approved drugs currently available as follows: - Disease-modifying therapy: These drugs stimulate the production of SMN protein. Nusinersen (Spinraza®) is FDA-approved for both children and adults. Your provider injects the drug into the space around the spinal canal. - Gene replacement therapy: Children younger than two may benefit from a one-time intravenous (IV) infusion of a drug called onasemnogene abeparvovec-xioi (Zolgensma®). This therapy replaces a missing or faulty SMN1 gene with a functioning gene - A different medication, Risdaplam (Evrysdi®), helps adults and children older than two months. People take risdaplam daily by mouth (orally). We are currently raising funds to make medical drugs and treatment more affordable for those in need. Our goal is to support beneficiaries and provide them with access to life-saving resources that would otherwise be too expensive. With your help, we can make a significant impact on the lives of those who require medical assistance. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that everyone has access to the care they need. Thank you for your support in this important endeavor.
Impact Guru - Help for Young Lives Fund
1 nonprofit
Impact Guru - Help for Young Lives Fund
It is a tragic reality that children, particularly those under 5 years old, are vulnerable to infectious diseases like malaria, pneumonia, diarrheas, HIV, and tuberculosis. These illnesses can be devastating, and unfortunately, often result in the loss of young lives. Even older children face significant threats, such as non-communicable diseases, injuries, and conflict. At ImpactGuru, we understand the heart-wrenching toll that these diseases take on children and their families. We have witnessed firsthand the struggles of those who cannot afford the medical treatment needed to save their loved ones. It is a heartbreaking situation that demands our attention and action. We are committed to bridging the gap between donors and fundraisers, to provide vital support to those affected by these wretched conditions. We urge you to join us in this mission to provide hope and healing to those in need. With your help, we can ease the burden of organ failures, enable patients to access the care they so desperately require, and raise awareness about these diseases and their prevention. It is true that every little bit counts and even the smallest monthly donation can make a significant difference in the lives of thousands of patients. Your generosity can help alleviate the financial strain of post-hospitalization expenses, such as prolonged medication, diagnostics, rehabilitation therapies, and follow-up doctor visits/consultations, which can vary from disease to disease. We implore you to consider the immense impact that your contribution can make toward saving the lives of innocent children who are suffering from multiple diseases. Your support can give them a fighting chance to overcome their illnesses and live the life they deserve. Let us come together to make a meaningful difference in the world, one donation at a time.